Bristol Disability Equality Commission

The Bristol Disability Equality Commission is a Mayoral commission.  It has been set up to give direction and impetus to delivering disability equality across Bristol, to ensure that Disabled people, whatever their impairment and background, have equality of opportunity and treatment and the barriers preventing them achieving this are removed.

The Commission started this work in early 2022. Early tasks include holding a series of consultations to listen to Disabled people in Bristol. Engaging Bristol’s diverse and under-represented Disabled people in meaningful dialogue about their experiences and issues that affect their lives and what they feel the priorities should be e.g. transport, employment, housing, social care support. There will be discussions about the implications of current government policies around choice and the importance of recognising how to empower communities through engagement, building and strengthening effective working relationships for ongoing partnerships with stakeholders and service providers across the city.

These consultations will support the commission to identify an initial list of priorities to review and develop a strategic plan to tackle disability inequality in Bristol, including through influencing future decisions and presenting recommendations to the Mayor and One City boards.

Bristol Disability Equality Forum

Bristol Disability Equality Forum  is an organisation of Deaf and Disabled people, for Deaf and Disabled people where all decisions are made by Disabled people. 

All Deaf and Disabled adults who live, work or study in Bristol and the areas immediately surrounding it, can be a member.

Can Do Bristol

Can Do Bristol is a community platform for residents, community groups, organisations and businesses who want to create positive change in Bristol.

It’s free to use and 100% ad-free and is a way for people to connect with the good deeds and good people of Bristol.

Can Do Bristol is developing a community themed page focusing on actions people can take to support and promote disability equality and activism.

Disabled Women Take Action

The Disabled Women Take Action project aims to build a community of committed Disabled women and women with long-term health conditions to work with others to influence practical and policy changes across Bristol.

This community will provide an opportunity to meet with others on a monthly basis, in person and online, to identify common goals and develop skills and experiences through volunteering.

This partnership project is being delivered by Bristol Women’s Voice and WECIL  Contact


WECIL is a user led organisation dedicated to supporting disabled people so that they can live an independent and fulfilled life, and so to create a more inclusive society.  They work with anyone who identifies as being a disabled person.  WECIL was founded in 1995.  It is now one of the country’s largest Centres for Independent Living – supporting disabled people with a wide range of services.

The Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

The Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People is a Disabled People’s Organisation that shares experiences and provides practical information and advice on dealing with the challenges hearing loss brings. Their vision is “of a Bristol where everyone can participate in all aspects of life in the city, whatever their level of hearing.”  CfD provides an equipment service for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people living in Bristol; and support and advocacy for Deaf and HoH people; and Deaf Equality training for businesses and charities.

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